5 Kasım 2008 Çarşamba

Interactive folio

Take a look at this media-rich, interactive folio made on the play Romeo and Juliet. It contains audios and videos and a variety of resources. Someone did a good job!!


10 yorum:

didem dedi ki...

Thank you very much for this very useful source. It was of great help for me to grab the main points of the story.

Adsız dedi ki...

Merci beaucoup pour cette recource très utile.

gamze koç dedi ki...

thank u very much for this useful site.It is freally useful..

merveb dedi ki...

It is a very useful link for us, it provides us to seek out what we wonder, thanks teacher:)

hatice yeşil dedi ki...

thank you my sweet teacher.

YONCA dedi ki...

A good habit formation really. We really practice what we learn and remember them later, so everyone keep in touch:)

melike dedi ki...

Unfortunately,i just found time to see the page.I wish ı had time to check before the exam,if i did,i would not waste my time trying to find the words meaning with an old English dictionary:)It is a perfect side to get warmer for the great tragedy written ever.

meryem arslanaydin dedi ki...

it is really a very good site for us thank you for the link.

neslihan dedi ki...

it is a very useful source. thank you.

veli dedi ki...

thanks for supplying this source for us.